This is a gift that will surely blow your love away. Amazing red roses and red carnations are combined in stunning effect in this perfect arrangement. Flowers are delivered wrapped in a box to your doorsteps. Blooms may take 2-3 days to open up, as shown in product photo. Flower Freshness Guaranteed
• Red Roses
• Red Carnations
• Optional: Keepsake Vase
7x rose Red
5x chrysanthemum spray
Please note the vase is not included.
In the rare event that a substitution is necessary through flower supply difficulties, we may substitute with flowers of similar or superior style, quality and value.
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Simple, practical, timeless design made case suitable for digital cameras with removable lenses up to 30mm and accessories. The top shell of the case is made of high quality denim with a waterproof and dust-repellent finish, which is lined from the inside with a waterproof Ripstop