A best selling bouquet for good reason! In an attempt to get you the freshest bouquet possible, The Bright Blue Skies Bouquet is arranged by a local florist close to the recipient’s home. This arrangement includes a variety of flowers and colors – yellow roses, white lilies, blue delphinium and purple monte casinos, all in a clear vase guaranteed to stand out. Blue bouquets have become universal in their message, whether it be for a birthday or for a get well, they are a perfect gift for any occasion. The Bright Blue Skies bouquet includes a card message, to write a personal note to the recipient. Measures 13″H and 10″L
• White Asiatic Lilies
• Yellow Roses
• Blue Delphinium
• Purple Monte Casino
• Keepsake Glass Vase
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Simple, practical, timeless design made case suitable for digital cameras with removable lenses up to 30mm and accessories. The top shell of the case is made of high quality denim with a waterproof and dust-repellent finish, which is lined from the inside with a waterproof Ripstop lining. Between the upper casing and the inner lining is foam cushioning, the interior is laid out with a fine Nylex material. The large top opening with zipper allows quick access to stored technology. Convenient wearing and handling will ensure an easy-to-adjust strap with snap hooks and a snap on the rear to allow the belt to be worn or to fit the case on the backpack.